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Flight to Somewhere travel blog

Hi, I am Elena and Flight to Somewhere is my travel blog - welcome and I hope you enjoy it!


Travelling has been my lifetime passion - I still remember gazing longingly at a postcard from Gran Canaria as a child when we couldn't afford to go abroad and thinking 'One day I'll be there too!' And I am happy to say that day has come!


I'm not a full-time travel blogger and, quite frankly, the life of a digital nomad and living out of a suitcase for extended periods of time doesn't particularly appeal to me, but I certainly do enjoy a week or at least a long weekend away as often as budget and work commitments allow. Not a stranger to travelling alone back in the single days, now I mainly travel with my husband (who, by the way, is super handy with a camera and is responsible for a lot of the stunning photos you see here) and document our adventures in photo-filled posts and travel guides. 


Want to know more about me and this blog? Click here! Want to be kept up to date about new posts? Follow Flight to Somewhere on Facebook Instagram and Pinterest.

All images and content © 2006-2023 Flight to Somewhere 


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